Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kuna City Council candidates have their say in this week's issu

The Kuna Melba News invited each Kuna City Council candidate to submit a 500-word essay about himself or herself and why they want to be a City Council member. Candidates were then asked for their top three priorities and why residents should vote for them.
All candidates were given the same number of words to answer the questions. All candidates were sent a letter by mail with the questions and were given the same deadline of Oct. 6 to respond.
Warren Christensen and Dave Szplett sent their responses after the deadline, but in an effort to provide voters as much information as possible, their answers are provided here.
Ernie Terrell did not provide a response to the Kuna Melba News letter or follow-up emails until Monday night, after this package was put together.
Candidates' answers appear in this week's issue of the Kuna Melba News.

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