Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kuna still hammering out details of new business license fee

Kuna City Council members are continuing to discuss a new business license process that could increase the business license fee from the current $2.50 to $22.
At last week’s council meeting, Mayor Scott Dowdy questioned the need for an annual renewal fee of $22 if a business has no changes from the previous year. The idea of having a tiered system for renewals, making it either free or greatly reduced for businesses without changes, seemed to gain traction among council members.
Currently, when a business applies for a business license with the city, the fee is $2.50 and the license doesn’t expire. The first problem is that $2.50 doesn’t cover the costs of issuing the fees. The second problem is that the city doesn’t have the ability to generate an accurate list of current businesses. In sending out a letter about the proposal to 450 businesses on the city’s current list, for example, 120 were returned because of wrong address or the business is no longer there.

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