Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kuna city staff tried to delete meeting minutes

Kuna City Council members voted unanimously last week not to strike certain testimony from the minutes of the Aug. 16 council meeting.
The vote came as a result of Kuna city planning director Steve Hasson urging council members to strike certain testimony from the minutes of the Aug. 16 City Council meeting, at which council members held a public hearing about changes to the city’s land use table.
The land use table defines what types of businesses are allowed in various land use zones, everything from barbershops and pet grooming stores to newspapers and storage facilities.
Hasson argued that the testimony presented by Ann Richards and Kim Schultsmeier veered into the territory of discussing a land use application that may come before City Council at some point in the future. His argument was that if neighbors or opponents to the proposal go back and look at the minutes from the Aug. 16 meeting, they might have grounds to believe that City Council had already discussed the matter and heard testimony without properly hearing from opponents.
Hasson, along with city attorney Richard Roats, argued in favor of a “clean record” with regards to Richards and Schultsmeier’s proposal.
This all started earlier this year when Richards and Schultsmeier approached the city about a proposal to build a commercial facility on Hubbard Road east of Linder Road. They want to put an RV storage facility on about 6 acres of property along with the possibility of a restaurant, physical therapy clinic and pottery studio on other couple of acres on the property.
When they met with city and Ada County Highway District officials in June, they were encouraged.
“Then we started running into the Steve (Hasson) roadblock,” Schultsmeier told me.

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