Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where is the city of Kuna's vision for the future?

The staff at the city of Kuna is to be highly commended for their work on the proposal to move City Hall to Lava Falls. City employees clearly spent a lot of time, energy, effort and resources on putting together floorplans, conceptual drawings and budgets for the proposal to move into a new city hall.
And based on the quality and detail of those plans, as city planning director Steve Hasson put it, there is a lot of talent among our city employees.
Frankly, I was amazed at what they were able to put together in just a couple of short months. It was clear from the presentation they made at an open house last month that this move to a city hall is something they were passionate about and classified as a very high priority.
What makes me wonder, though, is what the city could accomplish, given their currently available resources, on formulating a plan for downtown.

You can read the rest of this in my Editor's Notebook in this week's Kuna Melba News.

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