Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kuna Melba News makes some changes with the New Year

The New Year, for me, has always been a time of thoughtful reflection on the past year and careful consideration of the coming year and the future in general. I’m totally into making New Year’s resolutions and have always felt that the changing of the calendar is as good a time as any for making changes.
Of course, it seems as though we are constantly changing the Kuna Melba News. The newspaper has changed dramatically over the past three years since Nicola and I purchased it in 2006. Most of those changes have been subtle in the moment, almost unnoticeable at the time. We’ve changed the front-page promos several times, we’ve added specialty pages, a calendar, weather, puzzles, color, we even changed the headline font back in 2007 without fanfare. It has all added up, though, to make the Kuna Melba News almost unrecognizable from what it was in 2006.
The coming year will be no different in our desire to change and grow and get better. We picked the New Year to begin some changes immediately.

You can read all about what those changes are and see them for yourself in this week's Kuna Melba News.

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