Monday, August 11, 2008

Walgreens could lead the way in Kuna

Last week's Kuna Melba News reported that Walgreens, the nation's largest pharmacy chain, is considering building and opening a store on the southeast corner of Kay Avenue and East Kuna Road.
Kuna's planning director, Steve Hasson, makes an interesting point about Walgreens' decision, which could prove to be a watershed in Kuna's commercial development growth.
Hasson notes that the folks at Walgreens, with thousands of stores nationwide and millions of dollars to conduct marketing and demographic research, have concluded Kuna is a good place to set up shop. Not only does that send a strong signal to other national retailers to consider Kuna, but it also helps smaller regional and local retailers make a decision about setting up shop in Kuna. Regional and local stores may not have the same marketing and demographic research budget as Walgreens, but they can ride Walgreens' coattails, knowing that Walgreens has done its homework, Hasson says.
And that could mean more commercial outlets will feel comfortable moving to Kuna in the near future.

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